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The Goddess Bible

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Ashra Ball is the pen name of a writer who has been involved with the Goddess Project from its inception

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The Goddess Bible

This is an amazing book, like nothing else I’ve read. A creative mix of scholarly research, “found” fragments, and dramatic histories, The Goddess Bible brings the ancient world to life. Incredibly ambitious, well-researched, and beautifully written, it explores the tensions between the goddess and her worshippers and the male god and his worshippers, and shows how they resonate in the modern world.

—Ruth Knafo Setton

Author of The Road to Fez


The author's intelligence has a binding influence, giving this work a tangible sense of historical truth. A brilliant creative work of revisionist (or re-interpreted) history. It’s a wild ride!

                                                                                                                               —Jeff Murray

                                                                              Artistic Director, TheatreTheater. Los Angeles


The so-called Judeo-Christian Bible has been the driving force behind Western hegemonic culture for close on two millennia, underpinning and promoting the patriarchy’s prime objective: the subjugation and sexual control of women. The Goddess Bible shines a fierce and welcome light on the reality behind the Sunday School stories.

—Toba Xohara

Author of The Goddess Vanishes


Ashra Ball’s meticulously researched page turner offers a radically fresh perspective on the lives of ancient heroines. Herstory at its finest!

—Alice Weldon

Author of The Mindfulness Guide series


The Goddess Bible is a fascinating and beautifully written take on Biblical stories. It feels like an authentic ancient text, while providing a very fresh and exciting alternative viewpoint. Seeing the events of the Bible from the perspective of the goddess worshippers invites all sorts of interesting questions about the impact of organised religion on human history and on our lives today.

—Andrew Blackman

Author of A Virtual Love

My Books
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Advance reader praise for THE GODDESS BIBLE
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The Goddess Bible brilliantly illuminates the lost tradition of worship of the Goddess, and helps us to remember the Divine Feminine and why awareness of Her Presence is so needed in our world today.


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